Showing 1–16 of 18 results

Sean Thomas Johnston p8
Sean Thomas Johnston p8
Amazing worked double layer black and white dot stack pendant. Encased in stunning Tele magenta and has a huge 10mm opal in the center from profound glass.

Sean Thomas Johnston p7
Sean Thomas Johnston p7
Super clean black and white dot stack pendant, with a 7mm opal in the center from profound glass.

Sean Thomas Johnston p1
Sean Thomas Johnston p1
Beautiful double layer black and white dot stack pendant ,encased in uv light reactive luna from north star glass. 7mm opal in the center from profound glass.

Sean Thomas Johnston p5
Sean Thomas Johnston p5
Stunning single layer black and white dot stack pendant. Encased in molten aura gold amethyst, and a 7mm opal in the center from profound glass.

Sean Thomas Johnston p4
Sean Thomas Johnston p4
Single layer gorgeous dot stack, encased in molten arura gold ruby. With a nice 7mm opal in the center from profound glass.

Sean Thomas Johnston p3
Sean Thomas Johnston p3
Amazing worked black and white double layer dot stack pendant. The 7mm opal is visible through a beautiful first layer of molten aura’s Neptune.

Sean Thomas Johnston pendant2
Sean Thomas Johnston pendant2
Very unique illuminati with black and white dot stacking pendant from Sean Thomas Johnston. This pendant glows very bright green under a black light, and has a 7mm profound glass opal in the center.

Sean Thomas Johnston p9
Sean Thomas Johnston p9
Beautiful hand made glass pendant from Sean Thomas Johnston, This is a black and white multiple encased worked dot stacks, with a 7mm opal from profound glass.

Bexar Roots Hat

BexarRoots Branded Shirt

GRAV Shirt

Ooze Modern Back
Ooze Modern Back
Built on Dbl Lock – Tripple Layer – Smell Proof – Fully equipped to keep you descrete – carbon fiber